Monday, August 20, 2012

Olive Tree Ministries of Alabama

Did you know that Olive Tree Ministries of Alabama has officially started in Lowndes County? Along with Montgomery Baptist Association churches, several other denominations have come together to fight poverty, racism and lack of education in this county. This county is about 31% pop. below the poverty level. Partnering with the Lowndes County BOE to provide tutoring and holding Operation Inasmuch Mission Days(revitalizing homes of seniors)this ministry will make a difference. Black and white churches are working together this Fall also to begin forging friendships with each other and bridging the racial gap.
Would you pray for the Olive Tree Ministries of AL?
 Pray for resources, volunteers and open hearts as they live as disciples of Christ in this county.
Isaiah 55:11 says: "So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. 
Pray for the right words for each of these volunteers that will be bring streams of living water to refresh the people of Lowndes County!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

       Igniting Passion Among Believers in Montgomery Alabama 
Montgomery Baptist Association Key Leader Conference
ALL MBA-CCM volunteers have a special invitation to this event! 
Call Jennifer at 334-271-6794  
for more information and registration!

MBA Ministry Directors

Adoption and Foster Care Ministry

Lisa Rose


Conversational English School

Director, Susan West


Family Resource and Counseling Ministry

Director, Dr. Kline Johnson


Forest Park Ministry Center

Director, Donna McCollough


Montgomery Mixtec Ministry

Lisa Rose


Samaritan Inn Ministries

Director, Debbie Jones


Books MBA/CCM Recommends

Ten Ways You Can Serve Greater Montgomery

1. Connect with one of the 6 Cooperative Ministries listed on this blog.

2. Do a neighborhood survey and find out what your community wants and needs.

3. Tithe 1/10 of your garden and give to a family in need.

4. Read to a child at one of the public schools in your area. The administration would love to have you serve.

5. Start an Fellowship of Christian Athletes club at a local jr high or high school.

6. Take gift bags to new neighbors around your home or church with information about the church/community.

7. Adopt a school and be a prayer partner with them.

8. Call Alabama Post/Pre Adoption Connections(APAC-334-409-9477) in Montgomery and find out how you can support adoptive families.

9. Offer to host an ESL or Conversational English class in your church. Someone can come and train your church to teach ESL too.

10. Gather in good condition clothing and take to the centers. Ask Forest Park about their "Good Samaritan Clothing Ministry".