Tuesday, November 15, 2011


We will have a special drop off day at Heritage Baptist Church FRONT parking lot, ALL DAY -Monday December 5th from 6:30a.m.-7p.m. AND Tuesday, December 6th from 6:30-8a.m.( MORNING only) Thank you Faith Radio for partnering with us on this! Toys will be loaded onto a truck to take to storage unit that day! Save some time and come that day to bring your toys!
Call for more information:
Lisa Rose 271-6794

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lowndes County churches are ON THE MOVE!!!!

Be praying for Lowndes County churches who are partnering together to share Christ in tangible ways in the community.


for more details as they prepare to do an OPERATION INASUCH in several communities in the county.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tools For Schools 2011

Forest Park will be receiving supplies August 15, 16, 17 and again the week of August 22. We will deliver the second week of school. This year we will be sharing school supplies with elementary schools in the Forest Park area.

Below is a list that you and your church can gather. For an appointment to deliver supplies, please call Donna McCullough at 269-5726 or email her at forestparkministry@yahoo.com
Lined paper (all age levels through 6th grade), pencils, pens, fat markers, fat crayons, regular crayons, glue sticks, school scissors, erasers, composition notebooks, copy paper, pencil boxes, inexpensive calculators, folders (all colors), 1 inch binders, clear or mesh backpacks.
Khaki pants and skirts and different color polo shirts (all sizes) are also welcome!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

News From Forest Park Ministry Center-May 2011

“When my child looks at me, who does he see? What kind of person do I want him to see?” These are the kinds of questions that the new moms are pondering as we meet on Thursday afternoons for our MOMS group. These mothers of newborns have one thing in common – they want their children to have a more productive and joyful childhood than they have had, but they are stumped as to how to accomplish it.

On May 19, 2011, we began meeting, babies in tow, to discuss and work through a new tool being used called “My Baby’s Milestones: Goals for Life”. The first milestone, the baby recognizing his or her parent, is the basis for this first discussion, and it has been fodder for very fruitful and insightful revelations. Learning to model respect so that the child himself learns through experience, realizing that the teaching the value of education begins with valuing it oneself, and most of all, realizing that the bond between parent and child is the first example of our “Heavenly Father” their child will experience – some of these concepts are new to these moms, so they are thinking more deeply and planning accordingly, one step at a time, to accomplish goals that had before seemed “out there somewhere”. Would you please pray for these young families? After all, they are an important part of the future of our community and precious daughters and sons of our Creator.

Summer is upon us! As I write this, the Memorial Day holiday is just before us, bringing a promise of sunny days, lots of children in the Forest Park neighborhood, summer missionaries to help with ministry, and construction projects down the pike.

Here are some tangible ways that you can plug into the ministries this summer at Forest Park Ministry Center:

• Pray:

o for Allison and Victoria (summer missionaries), and for Donna and the
    volunteer missionaries at the center during a wonderfully hectic summer!
o for the children who will attend functions, and for the Reading on Wheels
    staff as they visit the center every Thursday for the benefit of the neighborhood.
o for classes both for Mixtecan families and for the moms of newborns.
o for the mission teams coming to assist with construction and ministry.

• Give:

o fans for families who do not have sufficient air conditioning this hot summer.
o lumber – need 10 ▪ 2x4x8 to construct the closet for audiovisual equipment and storage in the new classroom.
o sheetrock – need 4 – 6 sheets for the closet wall being constructed.
o trim – need shoe moulding and 2 thresholds.
o doors for the closet – double doors or bifold, preferred. Size of doors
    donated will determine size of opening when constructing the closet wall!
o a new shredder for the center– the old one has bit the dust, literally!!!!!

In May, we saw a 20% increase in guest traffic over April, and saw many more large families, so the number of pounds of food nearly doubled. We are so grateful for partnering churches and their members who faithfully donate food for the food pantry, and we are excited about receiving fresh produce from Heritage’s container garden this summer! Thanks to all; may God bless your walk with Him.

With regard,
 Donna McCullough, Director

Friday, February 18, 2011

Listening To the Communty

A group of Christians from Lowndes County are in the planning stages of a ministry outreach. Over the last year, churches have been talking about how to tangibly help people in this county for the cause of Christ. In February, we had a dreaming meeting and started talking about the needs that churches have seen in their communities. The list was long…..and there were many great ideas.

Although this was initiated by Baptist churches in the county but in order to fulfill God’s call in Matthew 25 to serve others…we need as many Christian churches as possible to come on board working together to reach Lowndes County for Christ.

Saturday morning , March 5th at Hayneville Baptist Church we will be doing some training on doing a community assessment…then in the weeks to follow, groups from different communities will be talking to neighbors and friends about what they think churches can do to help this county be better. The training will be from 9-11:30am and is open to ALL Christian churches in Lowndes County.

If you would like to attend or need more information, please email Lisa Rose at 334-271-6794 or email her at lrose@mgmbaptist.org

Listening to Our Communities”

Hayneville Baptist Church

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lowndes County Ministry Center Meeting

Saturday, February 5, 2011 

Lowndes County Ministry Center Meeting

Hayneville Baptist Church


Goal: Set up a team to begin the ground work and think through what we need to accomplish.

Bring ONLY those who are very interested and will be committed to the process.  Encouraging pastors to come as well.

RSVP  lrose@mgmbaptist.org

Monday, January 3, 2011

Working Together to Share God’s Love

I continue to be so proud of Montgomery Baptists and other Christian friends as we all work together to share Christ with others in Montgomery. Many have shown “goodness and sacrifice” this Christmas season and God will bless those efforts. Hebrews 13:16(ESV) says: “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” For the last 2 years, churches, businesses and individuals have shared God’s love with Montgomery families through a toy sale sponsored by Montgomery Baptist Association Church and Community Ministries along with Community of Hope and Forest Park Ministry Center. Just like last year, this year proved that prayer and hard work are the key to a great day of service. Approximately 200 parents were served on Saturday, December 11th at Heritage Baptist Church’s Family Life Center. Those 200 parents that came represented about 1000 people in their households. Because of the generosity of churches, businesses and individuals, these parents were able to purchase some new toys at very low cost. Many were surprised at being treated so well. Shopping buddies, wrappers, loaders and cafĂ©/prayer workers showered each parent with care and love as they came through. Those behind the scenes worked very hard to make sure everything was in place so that shopping would go smoothly. In fact there were about 150 volunteers from both MBA and other Christian churches in the Montgomery area.

We found this year that many people had been either laid off or were working jobs that just didn’t meet their financial obligations. One such couple, John and Mindy*, came because John had been laid off from a job that had taken care of his family for many years. They had 3 children and had been blind-sided by this lay off. Volunteers helped them pick out brand new toys as well as prayed for them and encouraged them. As they left, Mindy stopped by the desk and thanked everyone for the tender, loving care that had been shown to her and husband. They felt happy and relieved that some of the burden had been lifted that day.

Claudia* is a single woman who adopted 3 very rambunctious boys. She works but needed a little extra assistance this year. She has sacrificed her fun, single life to be the parent that these boys needed so desperately. Volunteers prayed for her to be the mother God intended her to be and to bring healing to these boys lives. She was encouraged about her journey and knows that even when things are tight, God is still in control. She left “refreshed” by the love and care she experienced.

Here is a note I received from a volunteer after the Toy Sale. Thought it was the most magnificent news. “Just wanted to report, while praying in the Cafe at the Toy Sale Saturday, four people received salvation! One lady was able to forgive someone who hurt her deeply over fifty years ago. Another young lady I remember particularly, came in angry and offended but after having her prayer needs lifted to the Lord, said she felt so "different" and she left smiling a big warm smile.Because of the hard work you all put into organizing this event, God, through the Holy Spirit touched many lives”.

I am happy to report that 48 (34 MBA, 14 other) Montgomery Christian churches participated through volunteering, giving of toys and money and getting things set up for the big day! Everyone did so with love and good cheer! I think of this verse as I say thanks to everyone who helped that day from Hebrews 6:10(ESV). “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do”.

Thank you Montgomery Baptists and other Christian friends that sacrificed so much to make this Toy Sale truly a witness of God’s Love to Montgomery! May your Christmas be blessed for your efforts!

Along the Journey,

Lisa Rose

Thank you to these churches, businesses and schools that helped make the toy sale a success.

Montgomery Baptist Association churches

Baptist Health System

Jackson Hospital

Anchor Mortgage

Blue Cross Blue Shield/Montgomery

Macon East Academy


Walmart/Atlanta Highway

Faith Radio

MBA Ministry Directors

Adoption and Foster Care Ministry

Lisa Rose



Conversational English School

Director, Susan West



Family Resource and Counseling Ministry

Director, Dr. Kline Johnson



Forest Park Ministry Center

Director, Donna McCollough




Montgomery Mixtec Ministry

Lisa Rose



Samaritan Inn Ministries

Director, Debbie Jones



Books MBA/CCM Recommends

Ten Ways You Can Serve Greater Montgomery

1. Connect with one of the 6 Cooperative Ministries listed on this blog.

2. Do a neighborhood survey and find out what your community wants and needs.

3. Tithe 1/10 of your garden and give to a family in need.

4. Read to a child at one of the public schools in your area. The administration would love to have you serve.

5. Start an Fellowship of Christian Athletes club at a local jr high or high school.

6. Take gift bags to new neighbors around your home or church with information about the church/community.

7. Adopt a school and be a prayer partner with them.

8. Call Alabama Post/Pre Adoption Connections(APAC-334-409-9477) in Montgomery and find out how you can support adoptive families.

9. Offer to host an ESL or Conversational English class in your church. Someone can come and train your church to teach ESL too.

10. Gather in good condition clothing and take to the centers. Ask Forest Park about their "Good Samaritan Clothing Ministry".

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