Wednesday, December 12, 2012

God's Appointed Moments..2012 Toy Sale Report

275 families shopped
Over 1000 children served
140 volunteers serving
Largest toy collection in the last four years
Many parents told their stories/were prayed for/gospel shared

Here is an example of the many volunteer stories from that day! Be Blessed!
From Judy Lovelady, member of Pinedale Baptist Church
“I shared with my church on Sunday that when I was asked to work in the CafĂ©, I thought I would just be serving cookies and drinks. Didn’t take me long to realize that God put me in that work area for a reason. In the beginning I felt that maybe I was out of my comfort zone but God showed me differently. After talking to many wonderful and heartfelt moms/grandmothers and even care givers, it was at the end of the day that I noticed a mother sitting by herself. I begin to talk with her and ask her if she had found some items for her children. She told me yes, but there was a distinct sound in her voice that nudged me to stay and talk more. I ask her about her children and their ages. She had 4 and she had concerns for her baby and the 2 youngest girls. The baby a boy had recently been sent to UAB where they discovered that he had a heart defect and they immediately did open heart surgery. They then discovered in testing the other 3 that 2 those girls had the same heart problems that required surgery as well.  WOW… did this blow me away!!!

I begin to tell her I could understand just a small portion of her heart feelings because 31 years ago I also had a baby boy diagnosed with a heart defect that required open heart surgery at UAB. She looked at me and said “God sent you to me for I haven’t been able to talk to anyone that could even begin to understand what my heart feels.    I told her that I could understand the concerns and fears she had.  I told her that many times I had to remind myself that where there is life, there is HOPE and I had to allow God to take care of this situation.  I have never lost those concerns nor fears even 31 years later but I still had faith and hope and I believed that God was always in control taking care of His/my child. Each year that went by, my faith grew stronger and stronger.  Even though none of us are promised tomorrow God still blesses us even when we are at our lowest ebb.

I prayed with her and following our prayer she looked at me and said, “You DO understand and for that I am thankful for you being here with me today”.  I told her that 31 years ago I had wished for a mother to come my way so that I could have talked with her and she could have opened my eyes to HOPE.  The mother was even more amazed when I told her that my baby boy had worked all day Friday at the Toy Sale and until lunch that Saturday.  I hated she didn’t get to meet him. She told me this as she left.  “God is so good, He has not only been a blessing to me today He has given you a gift for 31 years”.  I could see Hope in her eyes because of what God had done in our son’s life. She wanted my churches info and name. I wrote it down and told her if she ever needed me, to contact the church and I would be there,  but in the meantime... I would be praying for her and her children.  God knows this mother and her children’s need and my prayer for her is that something I said to her will remain in her heart but if nothing else, the words that God spoke through me WILL give her Hope this Christmas. 

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MBA Ministry Directors

Adoption and Foster Care Ministry

Lisa Rose


Conversational English School

Director, Susan West


Family Resource and Counseling Ministry

Director, Dr. Kline Johnson


Forest Park Ministry Center

Director, Donna McCollough


Montgomery Mixtec Ministry

Lisa Rose


Samaritan Inn Ministries

Director, Debbie Jones


Books MBA/CCM Recommends

Ten Ways You Can Serve Greater Montgomery

1. Connect with one of the 6 Cooperative Ministries listed on this blog.

2. Do a neighborhood survey and find out what your community wants and needs.

3. Tithe 1/10 of your garden and give to a family in need.

4. Read to a child at one of the public schools in your area. The administration would love to have you serve.

5. Start an Fellowship of Christian Athletes club at a local jr high or high school.

6. Take gift bags to new neighbors around your home or church with information about the church/community.

7. Adopt a school and be a prayer partner with them.

8. Call Alabama Post/Pre Adoption Connections(APAC-334-409-9477) in Montgomery and find out how you can support adoptive families.

9. Offer to host an ESL or Conversational English class in your church. Someone can come and train your church to teach ESL too.

10. Gather in good condition clothing and take to the centers. Ask Forest Park about their "Good Samaritan Clothing Ministry".